Premier Series Sessions
CTE Essentials
CTE Essentials
The CTE Delivery Model is THE premier educational system for all students. CTE essentials will give you an overview of each of the four components of this outstanding model, and allow you time to process how you can incorporate each element into all of your instructional units as you plan your program’s calendar. It will also provide some insight into the many roles a CTE teacher plays in the course of any school day, where to find support to meet those expectations, and how to transition between each of them. CTE Essentials is truly a must have course for the teacher who is looking to build a strong program for students.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
CTE Program Management
CTE Program Management
In this course teachers will enhance classroom management skills by developing rules, procedures and routines that are aligned to their content and environment. We will consider the philosophy of “Discipline with Dignity” to ensure that you possess discipline strategies that are highly effective without escalating disruptive student behavior. Participants will evaluate how a course syllabus serves as a powerful communication tool between teacher and students and leave with a draft that defines procedures, routines, classroom rules and consequences.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Laboratory Safety and Management
Laboratory Safety and Management
Are you ready for students in the lab? This course is designed to assist teachers develop a laboratory improvement plan including management, clean-up procedures, safety procedures, and meeting monitoring agency mandates. Participants will be introduced to a variety of techniques that will enable you to evaluate and manage your lab effectively and efficiently. Join us as we identify a variety of practical steps you can take to ensure that your students are safe in the laboratory and that you are protected.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Instructional Best Practices
Instructional Best Practices
This course is an introduction to the design and use of CTE curriculum. In this highly engaging course teachers will focus on the design and delivery of relevant and engaging lessons. Special emphasis is placed on writing clear, aligned and measureable objective(s), a variety of methods for structuring learning to meet objective(s), incorporation of active participation strategies, developing a strong introduction to each lesson, and closure to assess learning. These strategies will be woven and modeled throughout the entire course. All participants who complete both days of this training will receive password-protected access to the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium with its bank of outstanding lesson plans and/or other valuable resources for CTE programs written by Arizona CTE teachers. This course is excellent for every teacher! Ace your next evaluation!
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this two-day training you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
CTSO New Advisor Training
CTSO New Advisor Trainings
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) will take your CTE Program to the next level! This course is designed for first, second and third year advisors who want to effectively manage a CTSO. During this course advisors will discuss how to seamlessly integrate a CTSO into their curriculum, brainstorm fundraising opportunities, share strategies for conducting awards recognition functions and explore related legal and ethical considerations. Advisors will also be acquainted with CTSO resources available to them. Come and learn about the CTSO that YOU will be advising!
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Formative Assessments for CTE Programs
Formative Assessments for CTE Programs
This highly engaging course will provide you with an opportunity to evaluate the purpose of formative assessments. Topics include the role and types of assessments, the process to develop an objective assessment as well as criteria for crafting quality multiple choice items. You will learn the skills needed to create objective assessment items using a process that mirrors the development of items for the Arizona CTE Technical Skill Assessments. You will develop an understanding of how to assess student skills in relation to standards and Bloom’s Taxonomy levels that require application of concepts and critical thinking. In addition to learning about assessment development, you will create formative assessment items for use with students in your CTE program and others in the CTE community. You will be empowered to implement concepts immediately in your classroom.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Serving Exceptional Students in CTE
Serving Exceptional Students in CTE
This one day course is designed to provide CTE educators and other interested parties with a broad understanding of special education. During the course of this interactive workshop we will cover a range of topics that include special education law, modifications, accommodations, interventions, supports, the special education process, the Response to Intervention process and more. Our goal is that you leave with the tools you need to serve exceptional students enrolled in CTE courses more effectively.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Using Advisory Councils Effectively
Using Advisory Councils Effectively
An energetic and involved advisory council can have a significant impact in helping your program and students achieve their goals! This interactive course is designed to ensure success in the formation and use of industry advisory councils. During this course you will learn how to form a committee, conduct useful advisory council meetings and use advisory council members for continuous program improvement.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
In this course teachers will enhance classroom management skills by developing rules, procedures and routines that are aligned to their content and environment. We will consider the philosophy of “Discipline with Dignity” to ensure that you possess discipline strategies that are highly effective without escalating disruptive student behavior. Participants will evaluate how a course syllabus serves as a powerful communication tool between teacher and students and leave with a draft that defines procedures, routines, classroom rules and consequences.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.
Work-Based Learning
Work-Based Learningy
Create meaningful work-based learning experiences for your students! This course will provide teachers with a variety of models that provide academic and professional growth opportunities for students. You will review workplace employability skills, youth labor laws and the associated forms, agreements, and guidelines that must be taken into consideration. After selecting the model that is most appropriate for your situation, develop a plan to implement this critical CTE component into your curriculum. This course satisfies the ADE requirement for the Cooperative Education Endorsement.
This is an ADE approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.approved Professional Development Event. Upon completion of this training and any homework assigned you will earn the equivalent of one college credit.